The Class of 2023 Applied Learning Interns

This summer, Coca-Cola Consolidated welcomed 31 interns from 20 schools across the U.S. into its highly touted Applied Learning Internship Program. Led by the company’s talent development managers, Molly Lynch and Skipper McInerny, these interns had the unique opportunity to gain practical experience and develop their professional skills at the Coke Consolidated headquarters in Charlotte, NC.

Throughout the program, interns were assigned to various departments within the company, allowing them to explore different areas of the business and gain a comprehensive understanding of its operations. But what truly set this internship program apart was the weekly Cohort Connects. Every Friday, the interns would come together to engage in a series of activities designed to foster camaraderie, personal growth, and a deeper connection with the company.

One highlight of the Cohort Connects was the opportunity to volunteer at Samaritan’s Feet—an organization dedicated to providing shoes and support to those in need. Through this experience, the interns not only gave back to the community but also got to see Consolidated’s Purpose in action.



Applied Learning Interns Volunteer at Samaritans Feet


“I have a passion for volunteering, so it was wonderful to have the opportunity to volunteer at Samaritan’s Feet alongside my cohort,” said Lauren Kimball, Cybersecurity Intern. “Together, we successfully processed over 8,000 shoes. It is incredibly heartening to see the company I work for truly values making a positive difference beyond its own walls.”

Another memorable Cohort Connect activity was a special tour of Bank of America stadium, where interns got an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the operations of a world-class sports facility. This visit provided insights into the business aspects of the sports industry, demonstrated the partnership between the stadium and Consolidated, and highlighted the importance of collaboration, teamwork, and strategic planning.

Applied Learning Interns Visit Bank of America Stadium

“My favorite experience throughout the internship was the Bank of America stadium tour,” said Branson Walters, Equipment Services Intern. “Despite being from Charlotte and having visited the stadium numerous times, I had never had such an immersive experience. It was truly fascinating to witness the behind-the-scenes aspects and gain insights into how Coca-Cola Consolidated is connected with the stadium.” 

In addition to these external activities, the Cohort Connects also featured sessions with senior leaders from Coca-Cola Consolidated. These leaders shared their experiences, insights, and valuable advice, inspiring the interns and providing them with invaluable guidance for their future careers. The interns had the chance to ask questions, engage in meaningful discussions, and learn from the wealth of knowledge and expertise these leaders brought to the table.

“The weekly intern Cohorts Connects, along with the insightful speakers, have played a significant role in my professional development,” said Connor Burns, Business Intelligence Reporting Intern. “Many of the speakers left a lasting impact on me. What stands out is that numerous individuals took unconventional paths to reach their current positions, which has taught me the valuable lesson that there are multiple routes to achieve success in life.”

Coca-Cola Consolidated’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of diverse servant leaders through programs like the Applied Learning Internship Program exemplifies its dedication to building a bright future.

“Throughout the internship, I experienced remarkable personal and professional growth,” said Harpreet Gujral, Data Management Intern. “The Applied Learning Internship lives up to its name in every sense. It provides ample learning opportunities and allows me to apply that newfound knowledge to real-world projects.”

Coca-Cola Consolidated’s Applied Learning Internship Program has not only provided these young professionals with a platform to develop their skills but has also empowered them to embrace their potential. As they embark on their respective career paths, the interns will forever carry the lessons, connections, and memories from this transformative summer—a summer that propelled them into a future of limitless possibilities.




This article was written by Ava Milholin. She is part of the 2023 Coca-Cola Consolidated Applied Learning Internship, supporting the Corporate Communications department. She currently attends North Carolina State University, where she is completing her Bachelors of Science undergraduate studies in Business Administration – Marketing.