Kelsey Leyton is a Charlotte-area teenager and soccer super fan representing North Carolina at the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games in Orlando.

As a longtime Textron Aviation customer and Special Olympics supporter, Coke Consolidated received the special “Dove 1” call sign and will be the first aircraft to land in Orlando. Kelsey, along with several other athletes and coaches, will be riding in style on Dove 1 as the first airplane of athletes to arrive at the Games on Saturday, June 4.

The Airlift is a signature community event organized and coordinated by Textron Aviation Inc. with assistance from owners and operators, industry partners and employee volunteers. More than 800 athletes and coaches from across the nation are set to be transported to and from the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games.

Thanks to our partnership with the Charlotte Football Club, a warm sendoff was coordinated for Kelsey from Charlotte Football Club fans and players at the May 22 match.

“It’s an enormous honor for Coca-Cola Consolidated to be named Dove 1 in the Special Olympics Airlift,” said Kimberly Kuo, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability at Coca-Cola Consolidated. “Our involvement with the Airlift supports our Purpose and Values — which include a deep commitment to serving others. We feel blessed to be leading this convoy of aircraft to deliver Special Olympics athletes to the USA Games.”

Coke Consolidated first participated in the 2006 event and this will be its fourth Airlift. Click here for more information about the Special Olympics Airlift and Dove 1 designation.